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Showing posts from October, 2010

Half the distance is still a long way

In April 2009 I stood at the foot of my office building at Tower Hill and watched my colleagues (Willie, Col, Will, René, Thomas and Joss) run in the crowds for the London Marathon. Its a very inspiring experience to watch the people you share each day with accomplish a life long goal to complete and compete in a 42km running event. That day I decided my mild 5km runs should be something I build on and perhaps I could complete a half marathon of 21km/13.1m (which seems daunting when you struggle around 5km in the park). Me being me I needed new shoes. I headed to RunnnersNeed for these and was really happy with the service and attention. Without hesitation I would suggest everyone gets their feet sorted before running - these are the first trainers I have had where I have NEVER had rocks! Other top tip double layer socks. I buy mine at Primark which I love - but they weren't in stock last week so don't count on finding them now. My first step was to complete m...

Paps Scrum tactics

It started off as a standard Sunday 12k run around the docks in Limehouse and up to Victoria Park with an invitation to a celebratory afternoon tea with my dear colleague Federica. With London's Open Houses event on I popped into my local St Dunstans Church to have a look around and discovered a few interesting facts. Enroute from Holborn to the Primrose Bakery I came across a bit of a cufuffel outside The Connaught Rooms and Fede decided because I had my SLR I should have a crack at seeing what all the fuss was about. As we approached the entrance we realised it was Vivienne Westwoods show as part of London Fashion week. Which made it more enjoyable for us both as we are each others fashion buddies! Where there is a fashion fix to be had  - Fede will be close at my side. Mention Gok Won Fashion fix, Jimmy Choo H&M launch and sharing copies of Vogue and you will see a smiling image of us side by side.  We stood on the road with a group of layered jacketed men with ca...

London Open Houses

London Open houses annual weekend of hospitality is something I have for five years now seen come and go like Hunnaka. This year I had to make an exception as I saw the doors of my local church open to this heathen! And the great deconstruction project of Lloyds of London was next on my list...damn that unpenaterable Bank of England that will have to wait for another year with its 2 hour queues. As the result of a big night out celebrating my anniversary of birth, my two school friends Graham and Andrew had crashed at my place. The idea of being a tourist in some of London's seemingly untouchable buildings could not be missed by us all. With pancake breakfasts consumed and yesterdays clothes slipped back on we headed for Leadenhall. We stepped off the No. 25 bus at the foot of the  Lloyds Building with little more fanfare than when I routinely run past at the end of a given working day. Despite the fact the boys were not wearing ties and I was showing my knees (I think this i...